Thursday, November 11, 2010
Deer vs. Truck
It was a tie. The deer didn't die.
I was driving home on the highway yesterday and got hit by a deer. I didn't hit her, she hit me!
I saw her coming through the median, but there wasn't anything I could do. She ran right into the side of the bed of the truck. From the looks of it, she tried to jump over the bed. There are paw marks from her hooves. It makes sense when I saw her do a front flip into the ditch. She got up and ran off just fine. I'm sure she's a little sore today. Hopefully she learned her lesson.
However, I'm left with a huge dent in the truck.
She can smell me from a mile away, hear me step on a twig, but doesn't have the common sense enough to know NOT to run into a truck moving 65 MPH down the highway.
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