This is a fish cleaning kit, from... you guessed it, Adam!

This is my (our) new tackle box from, you guessed it.... Adam! Ours broke in like five places last year.

This is my nice
Calphalon stove top griddle from my mommy. This puppy is going to get lots of use!

This is the flat side of the griddle my grandma got me. This guy is going to see use inside and outside when we're camping.

This is the grill side!

This is the cast iron dutch oven that Adam got me. Notice the ridge in the lid, you put coals on the lid to cook all kinds of dishes.

Donna, Adam's mom, got us this tent. We've been needing one for quite some time. Notice it's 8 ft tall, Adam sized!

porcelain coated dutch oven for indoors from my momma. I love it! I've already made some deer chili in it.
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