Zoey still very much has puppy in her. She goes 100%, 100% of the time, still chewing, still dragging things out and likes to jump on people and other dogs faces. Tank is a big galoot and is as laid back as they come.
Female dogs are very protective, heck anything female is protective! So Dixie kind of let Zoey know from the git-go that this was her house and the jumping on her face was going to have to quit. Zoey didn't take the hints very well so Dixie would just run off and play by herself. It was pretty funny, Zoey would dry to follow her, I could just hear her in dog talk saying "wait wait wait wait for me!." And Tank stayed close to the house most of the time, unless him and Zoey decided to go on one of their adventures, leaving Adam and I going, crap where did they go!?
Anyway, this day I had given all three dogs a rawhide. Tank can eat one of those in 2 minutes flat, Zoey is learning from Tank and Dixie likes to play with her food (if there is anything fun going on, she won't eat, she'd rather play).
A few minutes later Tank and Zoey at their rawhides and Dixie didn't have one, I figured Tank ran off with it or something so I gave her another one and brought her inside, figuring maybe she'd chew it in there. Nope, she ran to the front door with it in her mouth. She never does that, so I figured, I'm going to watch this. Glad I did. She went in the front yard and buried the dang thing, little turd! The pictures illustrate most of the rest.

Zoey: "Dur de dur."

Dixie: "I'm just going to bury it over here this time."

*Notice the snow-covered rawhide.

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