Adam filling up five-gallon buckets with distillers grain to feed the cows. Distillers grain is a bi-product of corn.

Dixie in the back of the Kubota, anxiously awaiting being stuffed in the back of the Kubota with tons of sweet distillers grain to snack on.

But, she doesn't like when we hit the brakes and she gets squished by them all...

The feed bins.

It's amazing how something so simple as spilled distillers grain can look so pretty on the fresh snow!

Dixie: "This is the life"


Right at her level too.

C'mon, hurry up, we're hungry!

88, I know you're cold, but your snow coat is pretty.

Thanks for posing so nicely.

All the feed bunks were frozen to the ground, so we had to bump them with the Kubota, then Adam had to tip them over to get all the snow and ice out.

They aren't light.

I couldn't do it.

Cows: "We're coming!"

"As fast as we can."

"Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?"

Hungry cows.

Hungry calves. They are only a few weeks old, they've been on milk, so the distillers grain is new to them.

And, I think they like it.

"What are you looking at?"

Don't snarl at me!

Mom's doing it, we might as well too!

I love the look of an ornery calf!

511 is my buddy.

533's only been out of the womb for a couple of weeks and doesn't really know what's going on!

They're especially cute when they break into a run and start to buck, but I missed any shots at that, they already did their bucking on their run into the feed bunks.

"Thank you!"

Still a snowing hard!
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