Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sticky Trap is the Wiener

Yesterday after work, I tiredly opened the cupboard door to grab some oil to fry up the okra. And I smelled this awful smell. So I looked down amongst all of our means of killing mice at the bottom of the cupboard and saw a "Bustard" (mouse) dead, stuck to the sticky trap.

Since we have set out poison, plastic traps, wooden traps and sticky traps I haven't been finding as many, hardly any, mouse turds in my cupboards. Thank the Lord. They gross me out beyond explanation.

The poison could have a lot do to with it, and probably does. But I haven't found any dead "Bustards," I don't know if I'm supposed to. But I did find one on the sticky trap. So for now, the sticky trap is in the lead.

If you guys don't know, we have a mouse problem. They can get everywhere in our house. And I mean everywhere. I can't even leave toilet paper under the sink in either of the bathrooms. They shred it up for bedding.

And one time, a long time ago. I was in the kitchen cooking biscuits and gravy, and Adam was in the living room watching TV and looked into the kitchen to see a "Bustard" standing up on his back two feet, about to crawl up my pajama pants. It took a while for him to get out "mouse!" And I looked at him like he was crazy. Then he started laughing and told me the story. And before I could stomp the sucker to death, he had already ran off!

See folks, these are just a few reasons we are at war with the "Bustards."


  1. Ugh that sounds like it would be terribly frustrating! I hate mice!!!! I just purchased this mouse trap online because it seals the mouse so I won't have to see it when it's dead.

  2. Haha, I don't just love looking at them... but I just want them dead, and to quit finding mouse turds in my house!
