Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Workouts

Soooo last week I posted about my busted knuckles, that was not fun, it hurt do to anything with my hands! They are almost all the way healed now. However two days after I did my kickboxing class I tried a different class called pump and tone, that class was NOT fun.

I didn't like the whole feeling of being in an aerobics class... and the fact the girl teaching it was not teaching correct ways to lift weights. You don't do power cleans as fast as you can... you have to give yourself time to get your footing right before you do another. I could definitely see myself hurting my back or something in that class...

I've also done yoga twice during lunch time. I like it. It stretches you out, teaches you balance and tones your muscles. It's a good in between class.

As far as the heart pumping, cardio and toning, I'm sticking with kickboxing... I'm just going to wear gloves this time, wraps didn't do very good!

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