Wednesday, March 24, 2010

THE Greenhouse is FINISHED!!!!

Most people know, but if you don't we have been building a greenhouse for the past two months.

Initially we were going to buy a kit you put together, but after reading online reviews, that was not a good idea. Then we went to look at pre-built wood frame greenhouses. They were nice, but expensive. We tossed around several ideas and did a lot of research. We finally came up with the conclusion of building our own greenhouse with a steel frame.

We decided to use steel because we can always build onto it, it will not produce harsh fumes like treated wood, it will not rot and last but not least... steel is very sturdy.

There was a lot of measuring, leveling, steel cutting, grinding, holding things in place, welding, screwing in the panels... and last but not least... patience.

Here are some pictures of our greenhouse building process.

Welding, lots and lots of welding. This is Adam welding the frame together.

This is our dog Dixie, bored in the shop. The shop bores her, every time. Adam's sister tucked her in with my coat.

These are the shelves in our greenhouse, sturdy, very sturdy.

This is a look at our greenhouse with the frame and shelves finished and painted.

Angle view

Close up

oooo aaaa

The frame of the roof

The braces for the shelves


Siding on!!! Notice Adam is in the background touching up a few things.

Greenhouse with siding!

Greenhouse moved outside, in place, finally, and I'm super excited!!!

I love our storm door, it's perfect, and wide, and has a screen on it, and latches good... perfect

The first plants in our greenhouse, I'm still planting seeds... and I will be for a while or until my fingers fall off

Kalanchoes.... I love kalanchoes

Rasberries... mmmmm

Mother daughter plant cuttings, I have two new little guys.

I'm sure I'll be posting new pictures of our greenhouse and new sprouts and me cheesing really big, and bragging because I love my new greenhouse.

Oh ya, this was a Valentine's Day present... better than any piece of jewelry! Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks Adam! We built... ok I held things, cut things, grinded things and painted.... but he did MOST of the work and he did an amazing job. He built a better greenhouse than we could have ever bought and we saved a lot of money. Thank you and I promise your tummy will be happy this summer!


  1. WOW!!! Sooo nice - good job
    my tummy can't wait either, i'll take some salsa please!

  2. thats amazing!! he did a great job. and you did good helping :) what a sweet and thoughtful gift.

  3. I'm so glad it's finished! Ya'll did a great job with it. Can't wait to see all the yummy & pretty things you grow in it. Keep sharing!

  4. I'm guessing the top comment was my momma, since she mentions my salsa every time I talk to her on the phone!

    Jenni, I know, isn't that sweet! He worked so hard!

    HJ, I will & there will be beautiful Zinnias!!!
