Friday, April 9, 2010

Burning At Klemme

Yesterday we burned at the Klemme Experiment Station in western Oklahoma. These are a few pictures I snapped before, during and after the burn.

This is a crop-dusting plane that was swooping over the road right in front of us and over us.

It was fun to watch.

Here is the first burn unit before the burn.

another shot...

This is a student in the class lighting fire... without a helmet, goggles or shroud.. he regretted not having his helmet later on when he was about to choke in the smoke...the new students will learn.

Pretty smoke

This is during the end of the first burn.

Fire line

A shadow of me with the leaf blower on, cleaning up the fire lines.


Smoke whirl

Smoke whirl, notice they act kind of like mini tornadoes

Big fat smoke whirl

Long skinny smoke whirl

This smoke whirl was moving fast off the burn unit

Seeeee, they look like tornadoes

Jumping the fence

Burning on the other side of the canyon

Me and Adam after we mopped up the first burn

Adam taking the weather after the first burn

Me being goofy

PRETTY smoke!

Adam patrolling the line during the second burn

Nice, clean fire line

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