Last night I was watching the History Channel and I was educated about what line really separated the union and confederate states. It was pretty interesting. Most people refer the Mason-Dixon Line as the line that separates the north from the south, however that is not true. The Mason-Dixon line is part of the line that separates the north from the south but just a very small portion. This picture below illustrates the line that separates the union states from the confederate states, with an exception of Missouri. Missouri was a confederate state that was an exception to this line. Notice that not the entire state of Oklahoma is in the south, meaning only the part of the state under the line was considered confederate. I thought the whole state was a confederate state, you learn something new every day!
I made a little green star on that map that you can barely see, where I grew up, which shows I'm on the southern side of the line, I'm a southern girl!!! I told Adam last night that I was going to look at where I grew up was compared to the line and I figured it out this morning!

This blue line represents the Mason-Dixon Line.

Great pictures, Blayr. Enjoyed seeing them.