Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Summer Plans

I'm taking one class this summer which is a special topics class. I will be designing a prescribed fire coloring book, I'm really excited about that!

I'm will also be tending to our garden, which we doubled in size this year. We opened up a little more area by our garden and hope to add a horse shoe pit next to it so we can have a little "pretty" place to hang out. The second half of the garden is almost finished, the beds are a tad bit too wet to till just yet, but if it doesn't rain in the next couple of days they will be ready to till up! I already have tons of onions a foot and a half tall, potatoes with 2 feet tall sprouts, strawberries about to ripen, and lettuce about ready to cut. I'm also about ready to transplant some more plants from the greenhouse and put seeds in the ground that are supposed to be started outside. All of our hard work, blisters, cuts and bruises are finally paying off!

We are also throwing around getting a boat. As you read from our previous boat looking experience, it was obviously a disaster. So we are going to be really careful and make sure we find a boat that we want. We initially talked about getting a fishing series pontoon boat, but number one we don't have a big enough truck to pull it (anymore since I sold mine), and number two you can fit more people on pontoons, and we don't want people calling us every weekend just asking us to ride on our boat. We have friends that have that problem and I want no part in that! So we figured a bass boat would be perfect for us. We bought a small v-bottom boat last summer that we are going to use for river fishing, and this can be used for lake fishing, and skiing when I want to show everyone how it's done. No tubing though, tubes take up too much room and beat the heck out of you!

I will also be helping conduct several summer prescribed burns, which I am excited about... I'm pretty excited about most any burns though.

We also have a wedding, Rollow Rally Run (in memory of Todd Rollow), a family Eucha trip and of course Wolf Creek. I can't wait for the summer to begin!

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