Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Night's Boat Looking Adventure

I know it's been ages since I've wrote a post... but the semester is over and I'll have more time on my hands now.

For now, I'll amuse you guys with our crazy story from last night. We found a bass boat on craigslist that seemed to be a pretty good deal. So we drove to south Norman to look at it, I wasn't all that enthused about it being in Norman, or the boat being maroon, or the dude selling it wearing an OU shirt and driving a maroon car, but that's besides the point. So we meet the guy, looked the boat up and down and Adam says well I would like to take in on the water to drive it. The guy didn't want to take it out, he offered starting the engine in the parking lot. Adam said, well to be honest with you, I'm not buying this boat without getting it on the water, it's like test driving a car. So the guy, unhappily drove us to a lake just about 15 miles away.

Here comes the craziness.... First, the guy doesn't know how to work a ratchet strap....then the guy hops in the boat, Adam is backing the trailer down the boat ramp... the guy gets it off into the water and cranks the key for about 15 minutes, ends up flooding the engine really bad. Then he looks up at Adam and says "Oh Lord, I forgot to put the plugs in." I thought to myself, seriously...could this get any worse??? So then the guy jumps in the water in his jeans, and pushes the boat back on the boat trailer. We pull it out of the water and it was literally half full of water...Adam asks if he wants to hook the boat onto the trailer and the guy doesn't think it is necessary, even though it was about 4 feet too far back on the trailer. I guess the fact that all the weight is on the back of the boat made him think that there was no chance it could fall off..... Adam wasn't too enthused about that idea, so he insisted that the guy hook the boat to the trailer before he drove it off the ramp.

Then they leave me there at the ramp to go driving around this state park looking for water for the engine. This guy obviously had no clue what he was talking about or he wouldn't have flooded the engine in the first place. But I was left there for 30 minutes and could here them somewhere in the camping area trying to start the engine and was just getting annoyed. All I could think about was dude, you don't know how to work a ratchet strap, you flooded the boat, you don't know anything about boats let alone your own boat, and you flooded the engine. There is no way in heck I'm buying this boat from you, take us back to our truck so we can get the heck out of the city!

Lesson learned, never buy a boat unless you test drive it, never look at a boat from someone who lives in Norman, wears maroon (what they call crimson), drives a maroon car, they don't know anything about boats, or have a lick of common sense!

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