These are pictures from recent burns I've been on. The last burn was absolutely amazing! The burn unit hadn't been burned since 1996 when a wildfire went through part of it, that's a long time since fire. Then about ten years ago they chained it, two dozers had a HUGE chain in between them ripping down all the cedars, and other trees with the chain. This left cedars still alive growing on their side, nasty oak resprouts and a green briar forest! It was so nasty, so we were pretty excited to see it burn. And it burned 20 times better than any of us imagined. Oh ya, and I got to light the head fire, it was a rush, and the best head fire I've ever lit!
We actually don't have any pictures of the head fire because it was so fast pace and so intense... it was light and go, I was in a half run when I was lighting, just looking back every once in a while at the masterpiece I was creating.

This is just some of the cedars burning, this wasn't even the head fire, imaging if this fire had wind behind it (head fire)!

This is the fire roasting some green briar about to smash into a bunch of cedars.

same thing...

About to hit those cedars!

Killing cedars!

After mopping the fire up a few of us went morel mushroom hunting and found probably around 50 lbs. This wasn't even all of them. Two other guys had about two shirt fulls as well. If you can't tell, these are our yellow fire shirts that we took off, tied off the sleeves and piled mushrooms in!

This is from a patch burn I was on last week. The cattle are curious to the fire...they'll be loving us in a week or so when they are nibbling that fresh green forage!
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